increasing function




单调递增函数:在数学中,如果一个函数在其定义域内的任意两个点x1和x2(x1 < x2)上都满足f(x1) ≤ f(x2),则称该函数为单调递增函数。
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1·The steady error is an increasing function of the stiffness parameter if the source term is nonlinear.
2·A new growth index is put forward with the introduction to a strictly monotone increasing function other than the logarithm to this function.
3·In order to describe the random variability of comprehensive actions of rock mass on lining, an equivalent deviation increasing function is put forward.
4·The studies performed show it is a monotone increasing function of crepe effect and its value can be used as a quantitative index for crepe effect evaluation.
5·Tai-ji-quan is of great practical importance in modern society. The Tai-ji-quan action has also shown its increasing function in college students PE education.
6·Simulation shows that the optimal price is a decreasing function of initial inventory and an increasing function of sale period and potential buying probability;
7·Theoretical analyses are made to such important characteristics as that the resonance frequency is a monotonous increasing function of oil film damping and that t...
8·The central design coefficient is decreasing function of coefficient of variation of horizontal coefficient of consolidation, and increasing function of probability of failure.
9·The utility model increases a plurality of using functions of the product, thereby meeting people's growing needs with an increasing function and an enhancing entertaining effect.
本实用新型增 加了产品的使用性能,功能增多,娱乐效果增强,能满足人们日益增长的 需求。
10·Therefore, properly sparse-sowing was favourable to cultivate strong roots, increase root activity and bring the yield-increasing function of soil, especially of deep soil into full play.
更新时间:2025-03-28 16:07